11 April 2019,


The Latest Kelox Products From Rucika

If you already know the Rucika Kelen Green PP-R pipe which is specialized for hot and cold pressurized water, according to its commitment as a Total Piping System Solution, PT. Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika did not stop to continue to provide the latest innovations in various piping system products. In collaboration with Ke Kelit from Austria, Rucika Kelox is a multilayer pipe consisting of premium quality materials such as plastic (PE-RT), inner adhesive layer, aluminum, outer adhesive layer and outer protective layer specifically for hot and cold pressurized water.

Pipes that are easily bent and connected without using glue (push fitting), make the installation of these pipes faster and more economical. In addition, other advantages are the resistance to hot and cold temperatures starting from 0 ° C – 80 ° C and has the smallest diameter of 16-25mm so it is precisely applied to residential homes such as water heater installations, air conditioner installations and drinking water installations because it has foodgrade standard. Now, with this latest product information, can you distinguish the Rucika Kelen Green and Rucika Kelox PP-R pipes?

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