23 September 2019,


Taman Ganesha ITB Use a Rainwater Storage System from Rucika

Taman Ganesha ITB is certainly no stranger to our ears. The park which is located in Bandung is very beautiful and is a favorite place to relax not only with friends, but also with family. It has a very large area, lots of shady trees, a fountain pond and is equipped with park bench facilities to wifi in the park area, very appropriate to be your destination that is bored with the frenetic mall and want to enjoy nature.

Since the revitalization a few years ago, the park which also serves as an alternative place for ITB students to learn is increasingly developing with regard to the environment. Aware of the vastness of Indonesia’s tropical parks and climate in both the rainy and dry seasons, this Ganesha Park also installs a modern rainwater collection system from Rucika which is currently named Rucika Rainwater System with material from Polypropylene making it durable and easy to apply. The importance of water catchment areas is to reduce the possibility of flooding because it can avoid a lot of rainwater inundation, so that rain water that enters the soil can be absorbed to the maximum for reuse as clean water, especially during the dry season.

Rucika Rainwater System used on Taman Ganesha in 2014 was very easy to apply by using a geomembrane cover for water storage and geotextile for water absorption. The water storage system used in this park uses about 640 units with 128 m³ of storage. As a total piping system solution, Rucika not only provides various types of pipes and connections, but also various other piping systems including rainwater control systems.

& nbsp;

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