12 November 2021,


Rucika’s Story Will Come with a New Format

Rucika’s friends already know that Rucika has unique programs about piping that you can watch onYouTube. As if she doesn’t want to miss the digital era, Rucika also participates in providing education through various programs on YouTube, ranging from DIY pipes, even talking about Talkshows on the Homecoming Hours program.

But there is something different about the program that will be shown in November 2021. Through creative ideas and unique innovations, Rucika finally makes a sketch program entertaining the theme of the developer’s office is Rucika Stories.

This Rucika Story program tells about the problems that will occur in the the world of office work in general< /span>. Starting from conflicts that occur between employees and even problems that occur in the field. Through this program, Rucika will provide an easy overview to the public about the various advantages of Rucika products.

Not only that, this Rucika Story program is also very suitable to watch as your entertainment in the midst of your busy office routine. So what are you waiting for, watch Rucika’s story with the new story format only on Rucika’s YouTube

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