5 November 2021,


Rucika Exoplast is Suitable for Irrigating Water in Urban Areas

In the midst of the high demand for clean water in urban areas, the piping system is a very important instrument so that the need for clean water supply can be properly distributed.

There are many aspects that must be considered, starting from the environment, water sources and much more.

Seeing this, PT. Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika provides a solution for a clean water distribution piping system in the city. One of the most suitable products is Rucika Exoplast.

The characteristics and advantages of Rucika Exoplas are the right choice for contractors in choosing a clean water piping system in the middle of the city. Starting from the strength of the pipe, the lightness of the pipe, which makes it easy when transporting the pipe to a congested location, even to the very easy installation process that only uses an angerlock rubber ring.

Therefore, PT. Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika, recommends Rucika Exoplas to be the right solution for delivering clean water in densely populated urban areas.

So how? Already know what Rucika products are suitable for use in the middle of a crowded city?


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