15 Februari 2016,


Is the Water You Use Healthy & Clean?

Clean water is a basic need for humans for bathing, washing, cooking, drinking, and others. Therefore, an adequate and adequate supply of clean water is absolutely necessary. To meet the proper clean water needs for a household, it must be planned properly so that the distribution of water in the house gets sufficient water discharge and pressure at each end of the water pipe.

In some places, water demand is currently increasing while the quality of water health and hygiene is decreasing. To meet the proper clean water needs for a household, it must be planned properly so that the distribution of water in the house runs smoothly and efficiently. The piping system with many turns is not good, because it will reduce the pressure and discharge at the end of the water pipe. Therefore that needs to be considered in planning a clean water system for a house

Here are some water requirements that must be met to be called clean and healthy water:

  1. Physical requirements

Physical requirements for clean and healthy water can usually be known directly through physical appearance such as:

  • The water does not contain a particular odor and taste.
  • Water is colorless, clean, and clear.
  • The water temperature is the same as room temperature.
  1. Chemical requirements

Chemical requirements for clean and healthy water is that it does not contain harmful substances in a certain measure.

  1. Biological requirements

Biologically quality water if there are no organisms, germs, and bacteria in excess of the specified limits, these limits are:

  • In 1 cc of healthy drinking water, there are only less than 100 germs.
  • In 100 cc healthy drinking water should not contain e.coli bacteria which can cause digestive disorders.
  • Healthy drinking water must also not contain other bacteria that carry diseases such as typhus, cholera, and dysentery.

Apart from these three conditions, clean water is certainly supported by good pipelines. RUCIKA Standard JIS has a complete level of pipe products, so it is very suitable when used in the installation of clean water, rainwater, dirty water, and air ventilation pipes. In addition, Rucika pipes also have many advantages such as being resistant to corrosion, strong, lightweight, and easy to connect and maintain.

Reference: tipseputarumah.blogspot.co.id


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