2 April 2020,


Do These 5 Things to Help Stop the Spread of the Corona Virus

The corona virus pandemic has hit all over the world, even in Indonesia. Until now, globally the cases have reached more than 10 million people. While positive cases in Indonesia have reached more than 50 thousand people who have contracted the virus, and there is no vaccine that can prevent coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Indonesian government is already trying maximally to reduce the rate of spread in a variety of ways. Start from the appeal to do social distancing, then physical distancing, to PSBB (Large-Scale Social Restrictions). Even the Government has prohibiting homecoming in this Lebaran 2020

Apart from that, many government agencies, schools, and offices have started to implement recommendations to stay at home, work from home, and study at home. All of this is in order to stop the spread which is now increasingly massive.

Then as citizens, what should be done to help the government in this? According to the covid19.go.id site, it is stated that there are even 5 actions that can be taken to help stop the corona virus:

1. Wash your hands more often

Wash Hands with Clean Water

Washing your hands is the first step can be done to help the process of preventing as well as the spread of the virus this. Washing hands is recommended after traveling or doing activities at outside the house. Use a hand sanitizer or soap and then rinse with water flows. At present, several locations in Indonesia have spread portable sink in collaboration with Rucika and Royal Kitchen Sink

2. Pay attention to the ethics of coughing and sneezing

when coughing and sneezing

Wherever you are, be sure to always be perform ethics of coughing and sneezing, namely covering the nose and mouth using inner elbow. This is done for discharge when sneezing or cough. Because the virus can spread happens by droplets!

3. Do not touch the face, face and nose

do not touch the face, face and nose

Always pay attention to cleanliness after move outside the house. Never touch the face, face and live using hands or whatever. Wash your hands and shower immediately!

4. Keep a safe with social distance

keep a safe social distance

If you are forced to leave the house to do activities or have a very important matter, then keep a safe distance with others at least 1 – 2 meters. This is done to avoid transmission when there is someone with cough, cold or flu symptoms in your area.

5. Always stay and stay at home

Get together and spend time together family is one of the best ways to avoid infection transmission of COVID-19, do creative things and get knowledge from various sources we can do from home. If you have to leave, always use it mask to prevent transmission.

Those are 5 important points that we can are equally doing to help Governments to stop the spread of the virus corona in the surrounding environment. Obey all existing rules and use protocols health either indoors or outdoors.

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