Comfort at the Hospital Using Rucika

Kenyamanan di Rumah Sakit Menggunakan Rucika2

One effort to meet the needs of health services for the community in Jakarta, whether carried out by the government or the private sector, is the construction of several hospitals such as the Cengkareng Regional General Hospital and Siloam Hospital in Cinere since mid-2018 ago. There are similarities with the construction project of Royal Prima

Enjoy the Rainwater in the Dry Season

With the increasing urbanization of the population each year, the need for shelter has also increased, including shopping, infrastructure, offices and other supporting facilities. The development did not use a number of open land such as fields, gardens, rice fields which incidentally the area has a role to help absorb water into the ground. Prior

Calcium Zinc in PVC Pipe Rucika

PVC pipe is a plastic pipe that is very popular in Indonesia. Affordable prices and diverse functions are the main reasons why Indonesian people choose PVC pipes as piping systems in their homes. From the manufacturer’s point of view, PVC is not an easy pipe to produce because PVC material itself is a plastic that