27 Maret 2019,


Rucika Won the Indonesia Digital Popular Brand Award 2019 Again

Being a brand that is easily searchable and found digitally both in search engines or in various social media, is one of the activities that is always done by Rucika as a total piping system solution in Indonesia. Therefore, it is not surprising that this year’s Indonesia Digital Popular Brand Award was again won by Rucika in the PVC Water Pipe category. Based on the results of a survey conducted by TRAS n CO Research and IMF Focus since December 2018 – February 2019, Rucika received the highest score of 30.32% compared to other brands.

The Indonesia Digital Popular Brand Award (IDPBA) is given to the best companies in building popularity and being active through Digital Media (internet). The award was given by Chairman of Tras n Co., Tri Raharjo to PT Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika’s Digital & Social Media Section Head, Pinasthi Dewanti, at Shangri-la Hotel Jakarta (25/3).

A survey of 150 product categories and using netizens’ voices was also conducted with three assessment parameters, namely search engine based, social media based, and website based. The three brand methodology items surveyed must reach the highest level of popularity in search engines which are weighted at a maximum of 40%. While social media is weighted at a maximum of 40% and website ratings as much as 20%. By getting the highest total score, of course, makes PT. Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika is increasingly eager to continue providing quality and active information in various digital activities that are very close to the people of Indonesia today.

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